Be District Mission Leader or Member

Townsol Admin

July 15, 2024

Join missions for your district development.

A District Mission Leader/Member is someone who envisions, designs, and strategizes a particular aspect of development and growth within a village, town or district and collaborates with townmates around the world for successful accomplishments.

There are countless opportunities to make a positive impact. Reflect on what excites you most about your town’s future. Whether you are passionate about environmental sustainability, community arts, or local business growth, there is place for you to join or create these missions. Pick an aspect of your town’s development that resonates with you and helps turn ideas into reality.

Create NEW mission to be District Mission Leader


Join EXISTING mission to be the District Mission Member

Mission could be at district, taluka, town or village level.

Here are few examples of kind of missions.

Missions about social development of your hometown.

  1. Survey the education infrastructure, understand the good and bad things about it and then work on improving the infrastructure.
  2. Establish new or expand existing local businesses and income opportunities.
  3. Survey the healthcare facilities and understand the gap between the Need and Availability of various resources and address the gap.
  4. Establish various sports initiatives and opportunities to actively engage youths.
  5. Can you think of any other mission for social development? Please create here.

Missions about MARKETING YOUR HOMETOWN to the world……

  • Identify, educate and support very creative and skilled Artisans from every small village and bring their artwork into mainstream global market.
  • Introduce local natural farm products to various markets in the world
  • Develop branding of local legacy food and make it popular among global communities within and outside of India.
  • Convert your local legacy festivals into tourist attractions. Make them popular worldwide to attract more visitors.
  • Can you think of any other mission to market your district, which will ultimately enhance local economy? Please create your mission.

Together, we can achieve remarkable things with right FOCUS and create a brighter future for our hometown.

Join or create a mission and make a difference together! Connect with other likeminded townmates around the world, so that you all can work towards common goal

Note: Here we discuss ideas, issues and options, which are common and applicable to all the districts. Please go to your respective hometown district forums and work on missions based on the specific needs of your district.

Are you ready to be a part of this exciting journey?  Please create/join/suggest mission.

District Vision