School Infrastructure

Townsol Admin

November 22, 2023

We can discuss here and work together to make every school in our native district to be the Best School based on the thoughts shared by townmates on the topic of “Definition of Best School.”

Also, we can look into the various aspects of school performance criteria listed below.

  1. How many students pass in every standard every year?
  2. What is average percentage of marks?
  3. How many students are active in any curricular activities like drama, dance etc.?
  4. How many students have participated in the competitive exams?
  5. How many students have achieved success in the competitive exams?
  6. How many students are engaged in any of the sports?

Once we know answers to all such performance criteria then we can collectively think of how to improve the performance in each area.

Let us build big number of high achievers in many professions and careers in our lovely hometown district so that we all can be proud of them and ourselves forever!

Can you think of any other performance criteria that can help every school in all the districts to improve the quality of education infrastructure.

If you have any information about these questions then let us start the topic for every question for further discussion and planning.

District Vision